Words by Amina and Noor3D visuals by HeschamThis article is part of the “Frenquencies” issue
History is written by the victors, and not just in wars, bu...
Words by: Erkan AffanImages and videos provided by HaRaKa PlatformThis article is part of the “Ya Leil Ya Eyein” issue
Adham Hafez is a powerhou...
Word by Malak Al-GharibTranslated by Hiba MoustafaDigital painting of Sarah Hegazi by Omar Sha3This article is part of the “Emigration & Desolation” issue
Photography and concept by Youssef Sherif
Model Ismaïl
Styling: Youssef Sherif and Ismaïl
This article is part of the “Emigration & Desolation” issue...